Fallen Angels 18 March - 22 March 2014 Milton Keynes Theatre
Noel Coward's Fallen Angels first opened in 1925 - its story line of two, ever so slightly bored middle aged housewives, who's perfect lives are shaken up by the arrival of an ex-lover of them both, still seems scarily fresh and relevant.
The play is set in a time where the "little women" sat prettily around waiting, whilst the men strode off to their thing...and in this case, it's a weekend of golfing.
However, our respectable housewives Julia (Jenny Seagrove) and (Jane) Sara Crowe do more than sitting pretty awaiting the return of their respective husbands. The pair find out that the man that they had both had a romantic interlude with before marrying their husbands is back in the country and about to make a visit! The expectation of seeing him sends them both into a heady spin, both pretending that they are not at all excited by the thought of having him seduce them once more.
To cope with the sheer panic that befalls them, they both agree to just run away, as neither of of them would trust themselves around him. Unfortunately, they don't manage to flee...as they sit down to dinner and have a few too many glasses of bubbly...and get totally steaming drunk! The pair share memories of their time with Maurice Duclos (Philip Battley) revisiting the feelings that they both had and secretly would love to feel again...
Seagrove and Crowe make the most of the scenes of drunkeness (sometimes a little too much where it started to look contrived) However, the pair bounce cleverly off of each other with slapstick style comedy.
The other characters seem really just to bolster the two leads. Tim Wallers (husband, Fred) and Robin Sebastian (husband, Willy) give robust and believable performances.
Fallen Angels is definitely a play worth watching, the audience chuckled loudly and left the theatre pleasantly surprised just how good it was, and I totally agree.
Lily B X
Wicked 4th February - 8th March 2014
Discover the whole story about the Land of Oz! This brilliant re-imaging of the stories and characters created by L.Frank Baum in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Wicked tells the untold story of an unlikely friendship between two very different girls who first meet as sorcery students...
If you think you will see a potted version of this stunning musical, you will be pleasantly surprised. The touring production of Wicked may have a smaller ensemble, however they deliver in every scene and the vocals are awe inspiring and pack such a punch. The production still screams West End quality throughout.
The story is so clever - just how did Elphaba become the Wicked Witch of the West, why was Glinda made "Good", did they start out that way or did they both have their titles trust upon them? Have you ever wondered why the tin man, scarecrow and lion end up as they were...this wonderful tale will tell all!
The unlikely friendship of the two young sorcery students, grows from their loathing of each other - one an unconventional outcast (being green!?) and one, a pretty blonde vision of perfectness. The pair step into the wonderful world of Oz, where being green is a prerequisite.
Both the leads are extremely talented and gave a faultless performance - the wicked but wonderfully green Elphaba (Nikki Davis-Jones) was absolutely fantastic, her vocals are strong and plays the misunderstood not quite as wicked witch to a T! Glinda, The Good (Emily Tierney) plays the fluffy, perfect popular one oh so well! Tierney possesses a real comedic quality as an actress.
Their duets were actually spell binding - they both squeeze every last drop of drama and comedy from the good versus bad relationship.
In fact the entire cast will knock your socks off! The stage sets, lighting, creative costumes and music are just exceptional.
The global musical phenomenon Wicked on tour has finally hit Milton Keynes Theatre. If you have a ticket, you won't be disappointed - because if like me you will be counting the days until you get to experience it in all is wonderful glory! If you are thinking about getting tickets, you MUST get them or I guarantee you will kick yourself having missed such a fantastic musical production right on your door step! Book them before it flies off in to the sunset on it's continuing tour of the Country.
Don't forget to pick up a CD on sale in the Theatre of the Broadway cast, just so you can remember your Wicked night, as I bet you won't be able to get the brilliant original songs out of your head. The productions biggest anthem has to be "Defying Gravity" it will cast an irresistible spell over you!
To book your tickets visit www.atgtickets.com/miltonkeynes
Lily B xx