Matthew Bourne's Edward Scissorhands - Milton Keynes Theatre
17th - 21st February 2015
Matthew Bourne's adaptation of the classic 1990's film Edward Scissorhands keeps the essence of the original story and none of it is lost in translation from the film to the stage. The eccentricity of Tim Burton can be seen in all its glory.
The story is of Edward (played by the amazing Dominic North) who is the creation of an inventor who loses his own son in a tragic accident. The inventor dies an untimely shocking death before completing his work, he leaves Edward with scissors and knives for his hands.
When Peg Boggs, as Avon Saleswoman discovers him lost and alone, she invites Edward to live with her quintessential suburban family.
Tim Burton's tale is tailor made for Matthew Bourne's talents - both these creative geniuses have always fascinated me, I am a massive fan of both and this production was pure brilliance.
The set and costume design by Les Brotherston is as expected - it is simply ingenious and quite spectacular. It makes the retro "stepford wives" style houses from the film a recognisable place. The characters are easy to spot at a glance - Peg's husband Bill who's a clip on tie suburban dad in chinos, Kim Boggs is the blonde all American cheer leader (Ashley Shaw) who is full of cuteness and of course there's Edward.
This is a wonderful love story, it is packed full of emotion from the music to the staging to the amazing dancing - everything makes this production spellbinding. It is not that you miss the presence of words, more that you barely notice the absence of them.
This quite simply, is vintage Bourne. Credit goes to the super talented cast and a special mention has to be made about Dominic North as Edward. North gives this role a comedic touch when needed and a very touching awkwardness in his romantic exchanges with Kim. He portrays the little boy lost and his characters pure gentle soul to perfection.
What's more North manages to dance superbly with his scissor like blade hands with expressive splendour - whether it's trimming hedges into works of art or creating ice sculptures.
This show is touching, enchanting and exhilarating all at once! A brilliant production I could easily watch again and again (and will!)
Lily B x
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