Monday 14 May 2012

Dirty Dancing - MK Theatre

Review date 3rd May 2012

Dirty Dancing - MK Theatre

OMG! Guess what's arrived on tour at MK Theatre???

Yes!!! The iconic dance moves and timeless music of Dirty Dancing has arrived!  I was so excited to see my absolute all time favorite "chick flick" on stage....

We all know that the totally fantastic  Patrick Swaysee won't be strutting his stuff but I was still brimming with excitement when I got to the theatre....and I wasn't the only one!

The theatre had a real buzz as I entered, with groups of ladies flicking through the pink programme checking out the leading players in this classic show.

For those of you that may not be familiar with the film (where have you been....?) It's the story of Frances 'Baby' Houseman, a daddys girl who falls in love for the first time against her fathers wishes. She meets Johnny Castle, a dance instuctor and member of the entertainment staff at lavish hotel.

"It was the summer of 1963. When everybody called me baby and it didn't occur to me to mind. That was before President Kennedy got shot, before the Beatles came, when I couldn't wit to join the Peace Corps and I thought I'd never find a guy as great as my dad. That was the summer we went to Kellerman's...."

Baby is drawn to the "behind the scenes" exploits of the entertainment staff (who seem to have so much more fun that the paying guests). Intrigued, she finds herself in situations which challenge her beliefs about herself, her family and the world.

The iconic dances are there for you to experience, the stage script is almost word for word to the film.

I watched in awe as the talented cast brought the stage to life...Baby played by Emily Holt was exceptional, she was funny, beleivable - her performance was flawless.  Paul-Michael Jones as Johnny had a glint of Patrick, especially when he took his shirt off (I wanted to wolf whistle but restrained myself!)

The chemistry between the pair was a little lacking, but they danced brilliantly together - "the lift" was perfect.

The set and costumes were well done - it's not easy to transfer such an iconic well known film to stage but director Sarah Tipple has acheived this very well.

Dirty Dancing is a 5 star show and I would have happily sat through it all over again...I didn't want it to end.  It is amazing, fab-u-lous and a definate must see.

Beg, steal or borrow....get a ticket!!!

Lily B x

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Wonderful Town - MK Theatre

Review date 24th April 2012

Wonderful Town - MK Theatre

Wonderful Town is based on a book - it has been a film, a play and a musical....all based on the true life experiences of Ruth McKenney.  A 26 year old "wanna be" journalist from Ohio who moves to 1930's New York to make her name along with her extremely sociable younger sister Eileen who is a starlet in the making.  The pair are set to take the Big Apple by storm!

It is hard to beleive that this zany, screwball comedy is actually based on true events!?

With an exhilarating jazzy score by Leonard Bernstein - this musical makes for great entertainment.

Connie Fisher (lead role in the recent stage musical Sound of Music) is back on stage after her spell out of the lime light.  I wondered what her performance would be like? Would it be as punchy as her vocals in the Sound of Music? I didn't need to worry...

Fisher, if anything, has grown in stature as not only a vocal talent but an extremely talented actress.  Her vocals were spot on and she gave an absolutely faultless, polished perforemance. She plays the sassy outspoken Ruth - Connie Fisher was a delight to watch as she made the role her own.

Lucy van Gasse as the feisty younger sister Eileen, complemented Fisher in both vocals and a genuiene chemistry between the characters.  Van Gasse has a simply devine, delicate tone to her voice and adds to the vulneralability that her character dictates.

The broadway style set was absolutely amazing and the brilliant costumes added to the visual fest - all designed by Simon Higlett.

The live orchestra conducted by James Burton was a real treat - and supported the vocals completely.

The uber talented cast filled the stage with such enthusiasm, pace and smiles - as I looked around the theatre, it reflected in the audiences faces, it was smiles all round!!

The show left me feeling happy, even though I didn't recognise the musical numbers, it didn't stop me from tapping my feet and clapping along to the songs.

Wonderful Town is a Wonderful show and definately has the feel good factor....I would recommend it to anyone.

Lily B x